
People you should meet at iSummit2008- Hiroaki Kitano

I am going to start a series of posts called "People you should meet at iSummit2008".

Hiroaki Kitano

-who is he?-

Kitano-san is a world-renowned researcher in biological networks
and is also well known for being one of inventors of the AIBO robot.

-which session can I see him?-

He is the keynote speaker on 8/1.
Title of his speech is "Sharing and Open Knowledge and the Future of Scientific Research"

Mr. Kitano has created a massive project called "Payao" which uses networks to allow a large number of researchers to collaborate and share information about biological networks and systems. In his talk, he will describe the increasingly complex nature of research in his field and how it would be impossible without sharing between researchers using open source, open networks and open knowledge.

In addition, he will describe how biological networks are in many ways similar to the Internet and other networks in which commons-based peer production occurs.

-when will he be in the summit?-

He will be coming to the summit only on 8/1.

bio of Kitano-san as follows:

Dr. Hiroaki Kitano

Hiroaki Kitano is a Director at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. and a Project Director of Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, ERATO-SORST, Japan Science and Technology Agency. He is also a President of The Systems Biology Institute, a visiting professor of the University of Tokyo and Keio University, and a Founding President of The RoboCup Federation. He received a B.A. in physics from the International Christian University, Tokyo, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Kyoto University. Since 1988, he has been a visiting researcher at the Center for Machine Translation at Carnegie Mellon University. Kitano received The Computers and Thought Award from the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence in 1993, Prix Ars Electronica 2000, Japan Design Culture Award 2001, and Good Design Award 2001, as well as being an invited artist for Biennale di Venezia 2000 and Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York in 2001. His research interests include AI, Robotics, and Systems Biology.



今回の基調講演では、「Payao」というバイオ領域での研究者の共同プロジェクトを紹介してくださいます。バイオの領域は非常に複雑で、研究者間がopen source/open networks/open knowledgeを駆使して協業することが非常に重要とのこと。今回の iSummit2008 にはScience Commonsのメンバーも参加しているので活発な議論と情報交換が行われることが予想されます。


北野宏明 (きたの ひろあき)
1961年埼玉県生まれ。1984年国際基督教大学教養学部理学科(物理学専攻)卒業後、日本電気(株)に入社、ソフトウエア生産技術研究所勤務。1988年より米カーネギー・メロン大学客員研究員。1991年京都大学博士号(工学)取得。1993年ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所入社。1996年同シニアリサーチャー、2002年同取締役副所長、2008年同取締役所長。1998年より科学技術振興事業団ERATO北野共生システムプロジェクト総括責任者兼務。2003年10月より、同プロジェクトの発展継続プロジェクト、独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構 北野共生システムプロジェクト (ERATO-SORST) の総括責任者。2001年4月、特定非営利活動法人システム・バイオロジー研究機構を設立、会長を務める。東京大学客員教授。慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科客員教授。ロボカップ国際委員会ファウンディング・プレジデント。Computers and Thought Award (1993), Prix Ars Electronica (2000), JCDデザイン賞(社団法人日本商環境設計家協会)(1997), 日本文化デザイン賞(2001)受賞。ベネツィア・建築ビエンナーレ、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)等で招待展示を行う。

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